Welcome to Star Trekking, my attempt to share points of interest and random intersections in the final frontier.
That is the header of my Twitter account (from which I am taking a leave of absence for the sake of my own mental health). This header was created for me by James Dargie.
As I remember it, I tweeted something like “I would like a photo of Kirk pushing the Jettison Pod button except it says Coffee.” And shortly afterward, I received this gift. Please note the level of detail, especially with the button below the Coffee button.
I had long admired James’ own Twitter profile pic in which he beautifully adapted the 1980 Flash Gordon logo.
So when it came time to design a logo for this very newsletter, I immediately reached out to him - and he delivered two beauties - the main header and this profile pic version.
I ought to put that on a T-shirt.
Anyway, if you’ve ever read to the very bottom of this newsletter, you see that I always credit him for the logos because I love them so much.
Today I am pleased to introduce you to James H. Dargie. He was kind enough to answer a few Trekkish questions and I hope you’ll enjoy reading his answers as much as I did.
First, please tell us a little about yourself.
Although I have film and game experience that spans almost 30 years, I am also a VR veteran. I have been art/creative director on the biggest titles in VR: 'Solaris', 'Firewall', 'Raw Data' and most recently 'Larcenauts'.
The other odd 30 years I spent making 'Medal of Honor', 'Call of Duty', 'Defiance' and 'Metroid' games. I was also lucky to work on 'Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within' and the 'Matrix' sequels.
What are your first Trek memories?
Growing up in Vermont in the 70's (which still doesn't have cable TV, BTW) we had limited channel options. Two good channels and one so-so.
Whenever we got the chance to see Star Trek, it was usually at my grandmother's in Massachusetts, just over the border. So my brothers and I would record the episodes when we could. AUDIO recording only! Yup. This was before VCRs and we only had analog tape. But we got as many as we could and listened to them all the time. It was quite fun and as you could see, our imaginations got the better of us many times. You could say that I am a TOS purist and you wouldn't be wrong. But I am also a huge TNG fan and lived through the uncertain first two seasons where everyone cast doubt on its success.
I never doubted it for a second!
How has Trek impacted or influenced your life or work?
Pretty directly. Star Trek and Star Wars are the main reasons I do what I do today. They were the inspiration for me to design my own starships, uniforms, weapons and kitbash models. I would make variations on the AMT model kits and design one, two and three nacelle ships!
It allowed me to dream and think that if someone else could do this for a living, why not me?
Loved doing that but more importantly it led me to believe in ideals I still uphold today. The principles that Star Trek represents are what we should all strive for in our daily lives. Honor, integrity, acceptance, generosity and the pursuit of knowledge.
Which Trek character do you most admire?
This is almost impossible to answer. To be most fair to myself and the amazing panoply of characters that exist I would have to say the Enterprise herself. She is not only a character, but an essential one. These are HER voyages. And no single character can take that mantle. Don't believe she's a character? I turn your attention to 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture'. She is refit and ready to go ... Mostly. Functional and seemingly ready to go but something isn't right. Her crew isn't fully assembled and it weighs on her. It isn't until Mr. Spock returns that she is whole again and warp speed is possible! The family unit is united under her protective wing. THAT'S a character ;)
What is your greatest Trek-related extravagance?
Oddly I don't have much in regards to extravagance. I do own the amazing Wand Company phaser and Communicator which are just superb. The attention to detail and function is offered at an amazing bargain, in my opinion.
But I have recently acquired the 'Star Trek The Motion Picture' board game with all the original pieces. And that is just glorious!
(Get your own copy - like the one pictured above - on ebay)
What do you consider the most underrated Trek episode/movie/series?
Gotta be the GOAT, Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Now, before I get into any critique I have to address how cerebral and fantastic the scope and depth this movie has. The effects are amazingly well done with gravitas and impeccable design sensibilities. The Enterprise is solidified here as the greatest model ever built for the screen. respectful to the original design, updated tastefully and rendered like never before or since.
Knowing how troubled the FX teams were in regards to budget, time and crew you can appreciate it on a whole other level.
Bob Wise and Roddenbery reached for classic sci-fi. NOT science FANTASY, like 'Star Wars'. And it is a grand, amazing adventure of an epic nature.
Now, could the movie have benefitted from a little more action to appeal to a broader audience? Surely (not you, Neil). The deleted sequence of the Memory Wall could have been that additional spark of action to help solidify this film as the very best of the series to all who viewed it.
What do you most value in Star Trek?
The lessons it secretly teaches the viewer.
Acceptance, generosity and work ethic. This plus the notion of exploration. Not just in space or terrain but in the mind and spirit. Keep seeking improvement and know you know nothing. Yet ;)
How can we find you on the web?
My website:
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This week, subscribers received a bonus Star Trek Day issue.
Simply click this button for immediate access to that and other bonus content:
Here’s something to look forward to.

Star Trek is everywhere.
Honestly, I think I nailed this photo challenge.

So happy for our friend Molly!

He was wearing it during the Star Trek Day coverage!
About time to order a 2022 calendar.
Next week I will be reviewing this book.
Speaking of ST-TMP, check out this clip.
Gates McFadden talks to legendary makeup artist Michael Westmore. Full of both Trek and Old Hollywood goodness. (h/t @floobish)
Until next time, LOVE long…and prosper.
Grok you later!