Welcome to Star Trekking — random intersections in the final frontier.
First, please examine this security camera footage taken of me this morning:
Yes, my human emotions had gotten the better of me.
So now imagine my reaction when my friend Charlie Brigden sent me this YouTube link:
I was not, let us, say, excited about the idea of friendship and caring.
In fact, my reaction was exactly this:
So, reader, did I finally relent and watch the Care Bears riffing on Star Trek?
Yes. Yes, I did.
However, I only lasted two minutes and 57 seconds.
Perhaps you will be more charmed and delighted than I was.
But it did lead me to some googling and maybe I am the last person to discover that there were several Trek-based episodes of the Care Bears, and writer Billy Seguire revisited the episodes a couple years back on Geekd-out.com:
…when I tell people about my first Star Trek experience, they’re often surprised. It wasn’t The Motion Picture. It wasn’t even Voyager. No, in those formative years, my first Star Trek series was The Care Bears Family.
Well, we all have our entry points.
By the way, Charlie writes a film score substack that you should check out if you’re into that sort of thing. Here’s a Trekkish issue covering the death of Gerald Fried and the beginning of Picard season three.
Here are some links to merch on Amazon and if you click on them and then buy anything at Amazon I will get a small taste of it and in that way you can support this silly newsletter.
Shatner’s must-have Movie Memories book is only $3 right now on Kindle.
I reviewed this Enterprise for TrekMovie a while back. You can buy it for less than forty bucks.
And seriously, if you don’t own this book there’s something wrong with you.
How many of you feel this way?
After watching those, you might need some space energy. If so, you know what to do.
Also, never forget:
And one final reminder: the human adventure is just beginning.
You forgot to mention the extra bonus in Star Trek Movie Memories. Come on!
Also, I've been hoping you were NOT watching the 'very Short Treks' episodes. Alas.